Thursday, January 22, 2009

oooh pretty colors

I've told everyone at this point that I color. I love crayons! I finally got my scanner working again so now I'm going to put up some of my most recent creations! (insert evil laugh here) The scanner doesn't really pick up the crayons as well as I'd like, but what can you do? Besides, if you assholes would ever decide to come visit us down here in San Antone, you can see them first hand on our living room wall.

First up, a little something for the BHS fans out there: Lady Doja

Next is : Rollerskating Genie! She'll make all your wishes come true!

And now, Jeremy's favorite:

I didn't really think this one needed a title.

Now I have two more that need titles, suggestions are welcome and encouraged.

And now my second favorite (Lady D is my #1)


  1. You should call the first unnamed piece "Georgia O'Keeffe Ain't Nuttin' But a Bitch" and the second one "Nightmares and Lollipops."

    Sausage Fingers is definitely my favorite too.

  2. the first unnamed piece does look a little vaginal...i have to say one of my favorite lines from will and grace:

    karen: "honey you've never seen a vagina? well, imagine the most beeeautiful flower you've ever's petals opening as its kissed by the sun...then imagine a big vagina next to it."
