Friday, February 13, 2009

Down and out in Beverly Hills

So, I didn't get cast in the play. I did make it to call backs though. I did my best, but I'm still disappointed. I'm not discouraged, just disappointed. It really meant a lot to me, but I'm not bitter (I swear). I'm actually sitting backstage right now, Mariner is on its second week of performances and after tonight there are two more shows then we do strike on Sunday. That means we'll be breaking down the stage and cleaning up so that we can start building the set for The Imaginary Invalid. I was doing alright, I hadn't cried or anything. Then I talked to my dad tonight. He asked me how auditions went and I told him I hadn't made the play and it seemed like he didn't even care. I know I shouldn't take it personally, but it still hurt my feelings. Then of course I started crying while I was trying to set out the props, sweep the stage, make sure the pea souper (dry ice fogger) was working and make sure everything is in place.
I don't really know the point of this blog, I just wanted to talk about it.

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