Friday, May 1, 2009

fun with crayons part 2

Hey Dudes!
I've recently colored several new pictures so now yous guys get so see them. And you'd better appreciated it cause it was a bitch scanning these things in. I ran out of computer paper so some of them are on notebook paper. Improvisation is my specialty.

Now that I've finally uploaded a's Lady D and Mindfuck in their formal wear

Next up we have "where's my bus?"

Orange is taking over...

I call this one "sing swan song"
Just for you! A sneak peek at a scene from Bible Hero Squadron Episode 4
Thug Life!

Smooth Sailing

Sunny Skies
This one needs a name

The Conductor
And finally, my favorite:


  1. That guy in the van better not be who I think it is. And your unnamed pic should be called "Nighttime Decapitation."

  2. You're too funny shorty

  3. awesome LT

  4. i like the thug life, yousss a thuuuuug!
