Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I think I love Katy Perry

I need to be getting ready to go to Lubbock right now and I was I swear, but I was "borrowing" music for our trip tonight and I thought to myself, "i'm gonna get the cd by the girl that does i kissed a girl." I was pretty sure her name is Katy Perry so I googled and found a torrent and bingo-bango, we have the CD 'One of the Boys.' You guys...I think I love this CD. The first and title song talks about how she's a tomboy at heart but doesn't want to be, she wants to be just one of the pretty girls, it's so good. Then of course there's "I kissed a girl" which is always bi-curious fun, then "Waking up in Vegas" comes on. I keep feeling like the whole cd is going to be all super poppy and glittery but it makes me think more of like if Jagged Little Pill mated with Regina Spektor and the spawn read my diary from junior high.
The line "you're not a man, you're a mannequin" is awesome.
I'm listening to the CD right now and I'm on Hot n Cold. It's the second single off this CD so you might have heard it. It's a jammin' song, I love things I can dance to. I feel like there's something Brit-poppy in her music and we all know the size of my boner for the Beatles. I was thinking about just putting those two songs that I knew on our playlist but now i'm going to put the whole thing on there (sorry, baby).
There is at least one song that isn't as good as the others. The song that's on now "if you can afford me" kinda blows. I've never really liked stuff that's super-shallow - Clueless doesn't count since it's just a retelling of Jane Austen's Emma.
Oh! This album is so good!

Upon further listening of "if you can afford me" i understand it better and like it. so really i like all the songs, some more than others, but i won't skip any of the tracks.


  1. "Boner" is such a fantastic word.

  2. For any cops reading this, she's totally kidding about the whole torrent thing. We'd never admit in print to illegally downloading the work of a major label artist. That's just asking to get sued. Also I was surprised by how not-shitty that album is. I wouldn't go so far as good, but I only thought about killing myself maybe twice the whole time it was on.
